

This weekend my two teammates (Emily Wathen and Camilla Sumi) and I participated in Stone Soup Films, Doc in a Day. We had 2 days to shoot, edit, then screen a three minute film about one of the areas non-profit organizations (who also signed up for Doc-in-a-Day). The completed short documentary can be viewed on it’s portfolio page.

About Stone Soup Films, Doc in a Day
Twice a year, 5 teams of filmmakers spend the weekend producing 5 documentaries for DC area nonprofits. These films are invaluable to the organizations, enabling them to apply for grants and to tell their stories in a clear and concise way. The films are screened at Stone Soup Films at a celebratory event at the end of the competition.

Location: Space Station Susanne, Forest Hills, Washington DC, United States, North America
Altitude: 92.00 m

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