Today was the first day of the G.I. – as in GI-Joe, not Gastro-Intestinal – Film Festival (GIFF). I attended a Filmmaker’s bootcamp discussion panel earlier that included industry professionals. Among them was Michael Dorn (Star Trek the Next Generation’s Mr. Worf) – If I’d have met him on the street I would have never identified him. Then I had a late lunch in the studio commissary and walked around the lot. I couldn’t go in buildings where they are actually filming, but it was still pretty cool. I’m really terrible at identifying celebrities – so I don’t try. I passed several people on the lot whose faces looked familiar, but I had no clue who they were.

Location: Walt Disney Studios, 500 S Buena Vista St, Burbank, CA 91505, United States, North America
Altitude: 159.00 m