The Humane Harvest Initiative™ seeks to promote and support the ethical treatment and handling of wild fish at harvest in the international marketplace. Guided by science-based studies which show significant quality and nutritional benefits gained by the ethical treatment of fish at capture, this Initiative will work to increase the recognition of fish as sentient beings deserving of ethical treatment by encouraging harvesters to take all steps possible to reduce stress, pain, and fear from capture to processing.
Role: Editor

Roles: Photographer, Videographer, Editor

UMD’s Department of Dining Services, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) and Office of Sustainability partnered to create “Terp Farm” a sustainable farming operation located just 15 miles from the College Park campus. Terp Farm offers four-season vegetable production used in selected dining halls and on the Green Tidings mobile dining food truck, as well as providing produce to food-insecure members of the campus and College Park communities. The project celebrated the completion of it’s first year of operation with a harvest festival to which all of the campus was invited.
Roles: Cinematographer and Editor