Sunday Woodworking

Finished teak trim for hole.

Last week I installed a new battery charger on the boat. The old one that I repaired in a previous post (see Sérénité: Powerless) wasn’t large enough to run the hydronic heat system that keeps the boat warm when the weather gets really cold. The install required that I create a hole through a bulkhead to run the wires, but the hole needed trim to give it a “finished” look. To create a custom piece of teak trim, I pulled out the tools and got to work.

Location: Onboard Sérénité, Annapolis, Maryland, United States, North America
Altitude: 0.50 m

[leaflet-map lat=38.96803371713 lng=-76.475075645776 zoom=15][leaflet-marker lat=38.96803371713 lng=-76.475075645776]

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