“Whirl, whirl, twist and twirl…”
So, I fell asleep last night to the relaxing sounds of rain and distant thunder. Around 01:00, I was awakened by the sudden, violent movement of the boat in her slip as she was brought up hard against her mooring lines and rolled about 15 degrees to port. There were the sounds of things crashing – both inside and outside the boat – and dock lines squeaking and moaning under the sudden strain. I was instantly out of bed, turning on lights and looking out on deck to see what was going on. The whole time the boat was rocking back and forth which made moving about below decks like walking in a fun house, crazy-tunnel. Today, I found out that we had an EF-2 (200 kph/125 mph winds) tornado pass through the area just east of where I live.
Aside from a few loose items that got tossed around, but not broken, Sérénité and I escaped without a scratch. Others, just across the bay, weren’t so lucky. https://patch.com/…/annapo…/possible-tornado-hit-kent-county

Location: Onboard Sérénité, Back Creek, Annapolis, Maryland, United States, North America
Altitude: 0.50 m
[leaflet-map lat=38.968082013483 lng=-76.474521830678 zoom=15][leaflet-marker lat=38.968082013483 lng=-76.474521830678]